Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Magna felis ut vitae bibendum viverra.
Six million contributors worldwide make OpenStreetMap the world’s biggest geodata source. So the OSM-based tiles are the most accurate, up-to-date, and feature-rich. In addition, with open data sources, we can provide open tiles to you. So you can cache, store & redistribute the generated tiles.Six million contributors worldwide make OpenStreetMap the world’s biggest geodata source. So the OSM-based tiles are the most accurate, up-to-date, and feature-rich. In addition, with open data sources, we can provide open tiles to you. So you can cache, store & redistribute the generated tiles.
Six million contributors worldwide make OpenStreetMap the world’s biggest geodata source. So the OSM-based tiles are the most accurate, up-to-date, and feature-rich. In addition, with open data sources, we can provide open tiles to you. So you can cache, store & redistribute the generated tiles.
Six million contributors worldwide make OpenStreetMap the world’s biggest geodata source. So the OSM-based tiles are the most accurate, up-to-date, and feature-rich. In addition, with open data sources, we can provide open tiles to you. So you can cache, store & redistribute the generated tiles.
Six million contributors worldwide make OpenStreetMap the world’s biggest geodata source. So the OSM-based tiles are the most accurate, up-to-date, and feature-rich. In addition, with open data sources, we can provide open tiles to you. So you can cache, store & redistribute the generated tiles.
Vector and raster both have their advantages. The best one for you depends on what you're focusing on. From one side, raster tiles are optimized for fast rendering & browsing. On the other side, vector tiles are much more customizable . To better understand the differences check our article Raster vs. vector: pros and cons of both map tile types.
Vector and raster both have their advantages. The best one for you depends on what you're focusing on. From one side, raster tiles are optimized for fast rendering & browsing. On the other side, vector tiles are much more customizable . To better understand the differences check our article Raster vs. vector: pros and cons of both map tile types.
You can find ready-to-use code samples for each map style on the documentation page. In addition, you can use our interactive Maps Playground to check available styles and options. Below we provide code snippets showing how to add a map tile layer into Leaflet map and how to draw vector tiles with Mapbox GL (we use its community-driven fork MapLibre GL). You'll need to get an API key to build a map with Geoapify. Head over to the Getting Started with Maps API page to get your API key.
STEP 1Add the Leaflet to Your Project
Option 1Use npm package manager to get a local copy of Leaflet
npm install leaflet
In addition, you can add types for TypeScript projects with:
npm install --save-dev @types/leaflet
Then you can import the Leaflet objects in the code:
import { control, latLng, map, tileLayer, Browser, ... } from 'leaflet';
Option 2Add links to Leaflet library in your HTML code
<link rel=stylesheet href=https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.7.1/dist/leaflet.css /><script src=https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.7.1/dist/leaflet.js></script>
STEP 2Pick a Map Style & Create a Map
You'll need to use a raster map tile URL to create a map with Leaflet. To add a new layer of tiles to a map, you first create a map container and then add the tile layer:
<div id=my-map></div>
html,body, #my-map { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; }
// create a mapconst map = L.map('my-map').setView([48.1500327, 11.5753989], 10);// Retina displays require different mat tiles qualityconst isRetina = L.Browser.retina;const baseUrl = https://maps.tmaps.tn/v1/tile/osm-bright/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apiKey={apiKey};const retinaUrl = https://maps.tmaps.tn/v1/tile/osm-bright/{z}/{x}/{y}@2x.png?apiKey={apiKey} ;// Add map tiles layer. Set 20 as the maximal zoom and provide map data attribution.L.tileLayer(isRetina ? retinaUrl : baseUrl, {attribution: 'Powered by <a href=https://www.tmaps.tn/ target=_blank >Geoapify</a> | <a href=https://openmaptil>
STEP 1Add the Leaflet to Your Project
Option 1With NPM package manager
npm i maplibre-gl
The library package includes types, so there is no need to install them separately for TypeScript projects. You can import MapLibre GL's typings in you files this way:
npm install --save-dev @types/leaflet
Then you can import the Leaflet objects in the code:
import { LngLatBounds, Map, Marker, Popup } from 'maplibre-gl';
Option 2From one of CDN in your HTML code
<script type=text/javascript src=https://unpkg.com/maplibre-gl@1.15.2/dist/maplibre-gl.js></script><link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=https://unpkg.com/maplibre-gl@1.15.2/dist/maplibre-gl.css></link>
STEP 2Create a Map
Use the Map style link to create a vector basemap layer in MapLibre GL. The style definition contains all required attribution, zoom settings, and other map options.
<div id=my-map></div>
body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }#map { position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; }
const map = new maplibregl.Map({container: 'my-map',style: `https://maps.tmaps.tn/v1/styles/klokantech-basic/style.json?apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY`,});map.addControl(new maplibregl.NavigationControl());
N'avez-vous pas réussi à trouver ce que vous cherchez?
Créez des cartes vectorielles et raster que vous pouvez utiliser comme couche de base pour Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS et autres bibliothèques de cartes et SIG. Ou utilisez notre API de cartes statiques pour générer des images de carte et des marqueurs de carte. Choisissez entre différents styles de carte et couleurs pour correspondre à la conception de votre application et de votre site web.
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