Places API:search places by criteria

Search places by more than 500 categories: restaurants, tourist attractions, historical objects, accommodation, etc. In addition, you can specify requirements, for example, Free Internet Access, No Fee, Wheelchair Access, etc., to choose the suitable ones. Try it! Choose a view on a map, and get places by category:

supported categories

We currently support more than 500 place categories and extend this list continuously. Moreover, our categories are hierarchical, so you can specify the top-level or more detailed searches.

Hotels, apartments, guest houses, etc. Subcategories examples: "accommodation.hotel ", "accommodation.hostel ", "accommodation.motel "


Clubs, community centers


Shops and shopping centers. Subcategories examples: "commercial.supermarket ", "commercial.outdoor_and_sport.bicycle ", " "


Restaurants, cafes, bars, etc. Subcategories examples: " ", "catering.fast_food.kebab ", " "


Schools, colleges, univercities, etc.


Places to spend time with friends and family. c" ", " ", "entertainment.theme_park "

Conditions to search suitable places

In addition to categories, the Places API supports conditions - criteria the place should comply with. Here are examples of using categories and conditions in Places API queries:

Use cases for IP Geolocation API

Provide the best service for your customers considering customer location

Search within geometry

The Places API lets you search places within specified geometry:

  • Within a visible area or view box. For example, this is useful when you need to show points of interest on a visible part of a map;
  • Within a radius. So, for example, you can get all the places within 10 kilometers from a location.


Search reachable places

Places API allows more advanced searches by filtering by reachability area or isoline. The Tmaps Places API accepts a geometry generated by Isoline API as an input. For example, this can be helpful to find:

  • Public transport stations within 5 minutes of walking
  • Gas stations within 5 minutes of driving
  • Supermarkets within 10 minutes of biking


Search nearby

You can also make search places by proximity bias. For example, you can create the following requests with bias parameter:

  • Give me the 20 nearest supermarkets
  • Give me the 100 neatest tourist attractions
  • Give me the 5 nearest schools

voir les prix

Integrate Places API to your project

Search restaurants in Munich's city center within a visible area

Let's run a search on 100 restaurants in Munich's city center. We will query the " " category for that. Here is a URL that will do the job:,48.15114774722076,11.58831616443861,48.12837326392079&limit=100&apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY

Places API response object example

Choose a city or postcode on a website (city level)

The API returns GeoJSON.FeatureCollection object as a result. Each result object has:

  • a categories list that lists all the categories and conditions corresponding to the place;
  • the details information available that can be queried with Place Details API;
  • the place ID for the Place Details API.

Here is an example of the response object:

type: “FeatureCollection”
features: [] 1 item
0: {} 3 keys
type: “Feature”
properties: {} 20 keys
  • name:"Monument du Général Kléber "
  • street:"Place Kléber "
  • neighbourhood:"La Petite France "
  • suburb:"Krutenau "
  • city:"Strasbourg "
  • municipality:"Strasbourg "
  • county:"Bas-Rhin "
  • state:"Grand Est "
  • country:"France "
  • country_code:"fr "
  • lon:7.745774519707208
  • lat:48.58337235
  • formatted:"Monument du Général Kléber, Place Kléber, Strasbourg, France "
  • address_line1:"Monument du Général Kléber "
  • address_line2:"Place Kléber, Strasbourg, France "

Call the Places API

Here are some code samples that show how to use the Places API in different programming languages:

More information about a place with the Place Details API

The Place Details API provides comprehensive information about its geometry, contact information, open hours, and more. Together with standard information about the place, it's possible to query related features and analytical data. For example, all commercials that are reachable within 5 minutes, schools and kindergartens nearby, and the closest public transport stops.

Need more categories and conditions?

We constantly increase the number of categories and conditions. The list already includes all common amenity types. However, it might not cover some cases. Contact us and describe your business case. We will be happy to extend the API to cover it!


  • Create vector and raster maps you can use as a base-map layer for Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS, and other map libraries and GIS. Or use our Static Maps API to generate map images and map markers. Choose between different map styles and colors to match your app and website design.
  • Create vector and raster maps you can use as a base-map layer for Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS, and other map libraries and GIS. Or use our Static Maps API to generate map images and map markers. Choose between different map styles and colors to match your app and website design.

  • Create vector and raster maps you can use as a base-map layer for Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS, and other map libraries and GIS. Or use our Static Maps API to generate map images and map markers. Choose between different map styles and colors to match your app and website design.
  • Create vector and raster maps you can use as a base-map layer for Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS, and other map libraries and GIS. Or use our Static Maps API to generate map images and map markers. Choose between different map styles and colors to match your app and website design.

  • Create vector and raster maps you can use as a base-map layer for Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS, and other map libraries and GIS. Or use our Static Maps API to generate map images and map markers. Choose between different map styles and colors to match your app and website design.
  • Create vector and raster maps you can use as a base-map layer for Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS, and other map libraries and GIS. Or use our Static Maps API to generate map images and map markers. Choose between different map styles and colors to match your app and website design.